tulips & quince

Tulip (tulipa) & Quince (Chanomeles speciosa) | 3.27.24 - 4.4.24

closed tulips and quince in blue vase

purchase date: 3.27.24
purchase location: union square greenmarket
first arranged: 3.27.24

in addition to the daffodils, I purchased tulips and arranged it with red/pink quince that came with the bundle of branches I got from the farmers market in union square. I got two varieties of tulips, burning heart and either pink bliss or columbus. i’m not 100% certain of the name of the latter tulip, but based on research this is what i’m narrowing this style of double tulip with a pink and white edges to.

open tulips and quince in blue vase

as i’m in my tulip era (per usual around this time of year), I love seeing how dynamic tulip arrangements can be. the day version versus the night version when it was warmer in my apartment-studio was such a marked difference and I ended up being very happy with this arrangement. for the night-time photo I reflexed a lot of the burning heart tulips, but none of the double.

tulips, as always in my opinion, grow more dynamic and beautiful with age. after a few days there was a lot of movement and I did a few minor updates to the arrangement.

tulips and quince pictured 4.31.24

some of the quince blossoms had opened and a lot of the tulips grew including a very small one that was featured in the middle of the arrangement. see below: before; left & after; right.

after this round of images, I took my last set on 4.4.24 before discarding. they had aged beautifully but it some already started dropping petals which was a signal for me to say goodbye.

translucence in tulip petals

the double tulip had fully opened and the burning hearts were fully dead. tulip petals when aged get a shiny translucence which could really be admired in the open double tulips.

dead tulips in blue vase

final picture of arrangement before discarding 4.4.24


peony, tulip, geranium, leucadendron


daffodils & forsythia