Tomato, cherry: hiiros
Cherry Tomatoes, On Vine 2.17.24 - 3.25.24
(Hiiros Cheery Tomatoes | Canda)
pictured 2.20.24
purchase date: 2.16.24
purchase location: costco (sunset park, brooklyn)
first arranged: 2.19.24
detail of tomatoes & dried crabapple (2.19.24)
processing & arranging:
I ate as many as I could before leaving for a trip and then I decided I should use the rest in an arrangement. this was my first time arranging with supermarket produce. the cherry tomatoes looked great in contrast to dried pin cushion proteas, monkey puzzle and crabapple that I had on hand. no water was added to the vessel after arranging.
mechanic: pin frog
observations: the cherry tomatoes were flavorful. arranging with them on the vine allowed for me to play with draping. however, I had to remove (and eat) some excess tomatoes to help distribute the weight.
pictured 3.19.24
a month later the arrangement still looks interesting despite the shriveling of the tomatoes.
3.25.24 - discarded remaining tomatoes to make space for new arrangements, most had shriveled except a few were still in good condition despite being without water for over a month.